13/2/2019Training: Co-llaboration, Co-working, Co-learning... How to realise the CO?[main program][training]
Various models of self-organization, co-operation and collaborative learning, as well as the specific self-organising capabilities within the LABattoir program, were presented in this workshop through the identification of possible rules and structures.
9-12/2/2019MediaLAB workshop series: Exploring New Video Formats part #4[main program][workshop][medialab]
Labattoir in collaboration with Hyperwerk Institute and Freiraum project by Goethe Institut organised the 4rd Media Lab workshop Exploring New Video Formats which as a case study of the Freiraum program aims to design and produce a video/installation for the program to be presented in March in Berlin and Thessaloniki.
2/2/2019Βιωματικό εργαστήριο: Η αφηγηματική τεχνική "Storytelling"[main program][empowermentlectureseries]
H σειρά διαλέξεων Empowerment Lecture Series εντάσσεται στο πρόγραμμα του Labattoir Project στο πλαίσιο της στρατηγικής του συνεργασίας με το Cultural Entrepreneurship Hub του Goethe-Institut Thessaloniki.
17/12/2018Empowerment Lecture Series at LABattoir[main program][lectureseries]
H σειρά διαλέξεων Empowerment Lecture Series εντάσσεται στο πρόγραμμα του Labattoir Project στο πλαίσιο της στρατηγικής του συνεργασίας με το Cultural Entrepreneurship Hub του Goethe-Institut Thessaloniki.
16/12/2018Βιωματικό εργαστήριο: Η αφηγηματική τεχνική "Storytelling"[main program][workshop]
To Labattoir σε συνεργασία με την Action Finance Initiative - AFI και το Cultural Entrepreneurship Hub της Θεσσαλονίκης ένα διεθνές πρόγραμμα του Goethe Institut και του Strascheg Center for Entrepreneurship, διοργάνωσε το βιωματικό σεμινάριο με θέμα:
"Μια φορά κι έναν καιρό...Η αφηγηματική τεχνική (storytelling) ως επικοινωνιακή πρακτική πειθούς, δέσμευσης, και …πωλήσεων." |
15/12/2018Βιωματικό εργαστήριο: The "Me" Company (Personal Brand)[main program][workshop]
To Labattoir σε συνεργασία με την Action Finance Initiative - AFI και το Cultural Entrepreneurship Hub της Θεσσαλονίκης ένα διεθνές πρόγραμμα του Goethe Institut και του Strascheg Center for Entrepreneurship διοργάνωσε το βιωματικό σεμινάριο με θέμα: "The Me Company: Γίνε ο CEO του εαυτού σου και εξασφάλισε την επαγγελματική σου επιτυχία. Η τέχνη της δημιουργίας μίας μοναδικής επαγγελματικής ταυτότητας (Personal Brand)".
Construction Lab
6/12/2018Creative Cardio[main program][workshop]
To Cultural Entrepreneurship Hub of Thessaloniki, ένα πρόγραμμα του Goethe-Institut Thessaloniki και του Strascheg Center for Entrepreneurship σε συνεργασία με το Labattoir Project, διοργάνωσαν το Creative Cardio, ένα εντατικό πρόγραμμα υποστήριξης ομάδων που θέλουν να δημιουργήσουν επιχείρηση στους κλάδους των πολιτιστικών και δημιουργικών βιομηχανιών ή έχουν ήδη ξεκινήσει τα πρώτα τους βήματα.
30/11-3/12/2018MediaLAB workshop series: Exploring New Video Formats part #3[main program][workshop][medialab]
A 5-day workshop, in collaboration with Hyperwerk Institute and Freiraum project by Goethe Institut organised the 3rd Media Lab Exploring New Video Formats which as a case study of the Freiraum project aims to produce a video - recording facility.
17/10/2018Cultural Entrepreneurship Hubs // Roundtable Discussion[main program][presentation][networking]
A new chapter begins for Cultural Entrepreneurship Hubs program with its collaboration with LABattoir.
LABattoir will provide the physical space where the hub of Thessaloniki will be installed, while at the same time will organise a new series of events which will be realised by the end of 2019. |
24-28/09/2018Publication Design workshop with Anja Lutz: The Artecitya Case[main program][workshop][collaboration]
A 5-day workshop, in collaboration with Artecitya project by Goethe Institut Thessaloniki, exploring the possibilities of publication design, ways of printing, combinations of different media, bidding and folding techniques, and the power of book as an object and its potential of creating an experience. Guest lecturer: Dimitris Koliadimas (Semiotik Design Agency)
Special thanks to KEΘΕΑ printing house "Σχήμα & Χρώμα". |
14/09/2018Media LAB Open Call to discussion[main program][meeting][presentation][medialab]
One of LABattoir's teams, Media LAB, invited the audience to an open discussion in order to get them to know more about the team, its equipment and its current projects, as well as, to invite anyone interested to actively participate in Media LAB's projects.
13/09/2018Music Production, Ableton Live & Push with AND.ID[main program][workshop][collaboration]
LABattoir project, in collaboration with Reworks Agora and THEMA, organised the Music Production Lab, Ableton Live & Push with AND.ID. Music producer AND.ID, an experienced Ableton user, introduced participants to the basics of how to make music with Ableton's Live and Push tools using the computer as an instrument.
11/09/2018Artistic Approaches to Immersive Media // Follow-up Meeting[main program][meeting][medialab]
Thomas Koch, moderator of the workshop Artistic Approaches to Immersive media that happened in July, returned to Thessaloniki and had a follow-up meeting with the participants of the workshop regarding their progress and future ideas for projects.
17-19/7/2018MediaLAB workshop series: Artistic Approaches to Immersive Media[main program][workshop][medialab]
The workshop introduced basic insights into the current state of the technological developments of modern audio- and video production and reproduction systems, as well as hands-on exercise exploring their artistic potential and challenges. The second workshop of the Media LAB workshop series with Thomas Koch was organised by LABattoir project in collaboration with Artecitya & Freiraum programs by Goethe Institut Thessaloniki.
16/7/2018Thessaloniki International Media Summer Academy 2018[parallel program][workshop]
LABattoir hosted the 3rd day of Summer School: Thessaloniki International Media Summer Academy 2018 with "New Trends in Media and Journalism: Disinformation, Verification of News and Constructive Journalism in a Changing World" being the main topic.
30/6 - 1/7/2018Cultural Management Academy 2018[parallel program][workshop]
Cultural Management Academy, powered by Goethe Institut Thessaloniki, is a post-graduate program for cultural management aiming at capacity building and stimulating exchange and collaboration in the Balkans and South-Eastern Europe. LABattoir hosted the last two days of the Academy in Thessaloniki and presented its mission and vision to the participants.
21/6/2018Aristotle Loumis: Luxury State of Mind[parallel program] [talk]
A talk by Aristotle Loumis, the Founder and CEO of Ellison Eyewear, organised by U.S. Consulate General in Thessaloniki and hosted by LABattoir.
An event dedicated to sustainability of luxury products/brands, and innovation. |
20-21/6/2018DIY@LABattoir[parallel program] [workshop]
DIY@LABattoir was a two-day workshop aimming to introduce the participants to the tools of Service Design, and through their use to suggest custom-made solutions to a challenge that LABattoir proposed.
The workshop was organised and facilitated by Hellenic Design Centre in collaboration with LABattoir project. |
Meeting at the Old Slaughterhouse with the deputy mayor of Culture Elli Chrysidou, Mr. Aris Kalogiros from Goethe Institute of Thessaloniki and artistic director of Labattoir project Mr. Christos Savvidis about the collaboration with Labattoir project and Cultural Entrepreneurship Hubs (HUB).
6-8/6/2018MediaLAB workshop series: Stories with Sound and Radio Documentary[main program] [workshop][medialab]
Introduction to the main concepts on Audio Media and the narration of real stories with sound. Recording with portal devices. Creation of original content for Documentary. The first workshop of the Media LAB workshop series with Dr. Evi Karathanasopoulou was organised by LABattoir project in collaboration with Artecitya & Freiraum programs by Goethe Institut Thessaloniki.
24/5/2018Sales Projections for Creatives & Artists - Hands-on Workshop[parallel program] [workshop]
Workshop "Sales Projections for Creatives & Artists-Hands on Workshop" by Dimitris Ntempos, organised by the Cultural Entrepreneurship Hub Thessaloniki in collaboration with Labattoir project and Goethe Institut of Thessaloniki.
First meeting of the projects of the Municipality of Thessaloniki funded by Institute Stavros Niarchos. The Municipality of Thessaloniki was represented by the deputy Mayor of Culture, Elli Chrysidou and the Deputy Mayor of Urban Resilience, Giorgos Dimarellos. The participating projects were: Ok Thess, LABattoir, Hellenic Design Centre, Open Schools, Restart, Neighbourhood Rooms.
12/5/2018 - 2/6/2018Theatre games workshops for refugee children[parallel program] [workshop]
Students of the Theatre Department at the School of Fine Arts of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Course: "Theatre Games", Tutor: Martha Katsaridou) conducted three sessions of theatre games for moms and children - beneficiaries of Filoxenia International NGO. Hosted by LABattoir.
6/5/2018 - 2/6/2018Hacking Crowdfunding: The LABattoir Case[main program] [workshop]
Hacking Crowdfunding: The LABattoir Case workshop covered in a comprehensible way the crowdfunding methodology through successful examples and the use of practical tools. The goal through an educational process completed in six sessions was to prepare, with the participants' contribution, a future crowfunding campaign for LABattoir project.
Facilitated by Argyro Barata from FEAST Greece in collaboration with LABattoir. |
17/4/2018Engaging with Minority Communities & Socially Marginalised Groups to create Freiraum (Spheres of Freedom)[parallel program] [panel discussion]
Panel discussion organised by Freiraum, a program of 40 Goethe Institutes around the world in collaboration with LABattoir. The panel was live broadcasted by Media LAB. Participants: Aftab Khan,Peter Foley (AWAZ Cumbria), Uwe Rada (German Journalist), Eleni Hodolidou (AUTH) , Valasia Symeon (Choreographer with reduced mobility), Chrisostomos Kalogirou (Development Counselor Thessaloniki Municipality), Ioannis Kotoudis (NGO Arsis), Panagiotis Sampanis (President of ROMA community), Theodoros Diamantopoulos (NGO PRAXIS).
19/3/2018 - 23/3/2018Living LABattoir & Media LAB[main program] [workshop][kitchen LAB][media LAB]
Based on the model of LABattoir, the second phase of Construction LAB (first phase: 27-30/11/2017) was realised from 19/3 until 23/3 and resulted in the creation of LABeta team (Living LABattoir) and the mobile kitchen of LABattoir (Kitchen LAB).
With architect Christof Mayer (Raumlabor, Berlin), HyperWerk Institute for Postindustrial Design (Basel) and the participation of the Bergen School of Architecture (Norway) |